SSA#36: Cost Of Inaction

Close Larger Deals Faster

How to find the Cost Of Inaction (COI) for your prospects.

Happy Thursday to 11,968 SaaS sales professionals!

Cost Of Inaction (COI) as a discovery concept is more important than ever.

COI is a key ingredient to close larger deals faster.

Let's dive in👇


Success Story From Our Coaching Program:



No COI, No Deal

Cost Of Inaction (COI) is a negative consequence, or missed opportunity, that occurs when prospects delay or cancel a buyer decision.

In other words: they lose money.

In B2B there are 3 types of COI:

  • Lost revenue (missed sales opportunities)
  • Increased costs (labor, materials, time)
  • Compliance (fines, penalties)

The best sales reps use Impact and Need-Payoff questions (look up SPIN) to find COI in their deals.


The more COI you can find in your deal,

  • The greater the perceived decision value for your prospect
  • The greater the urgency to make a decision
  • The more you differentiate from the competition
  • The more you can justify your price
  • The better your objection handling.

COI helps you close larger deals faster, period.


How To Find COI Step By Step

Step 1: Understand current state

  • Before the disco call research the account. Avoid asking too many Situation Questions (the S in SPIN)
  • During the call focus on uncovering painful problems (the P in SPIN).

Step 2: Quantify business impact

  • Understand how the problems found in step 1 lead to lost sales, increased cost or compliance penalties.
  • Attach literal $$ values to each of these. This requires business acumen & collaboration with a champion prospect. For a deeper dive, check out GAP Selling.

Step 3: Establish future state

  • Understand your prospect's vision, mission and goals. Where do they want to be in 1, 5, 10 years?
  • Align your solution and USPs with their top C-level initiatives. That's how you build executive relevance and access.

Step 4: Build a business case

  • A business case isn't just ROI, as in "you will increase your MQLs by 20% with our marketing automation". This approach is so 2020.
  • Instead, show a CFO: you're bleeding $$XX,XXX every month you're postponing this decision due to problems A, B and C.


Member Results

We put huge emphasis on Cost Of Inaction in the SaaS Sales Academy.

Here are some of the results of our members:

  • "Since I started using business cases as a mandatory step in my sales cycles, I was able to cut my sales cycle length in half" - Vilson, AE @Eversports
  • "Already 50% more pipeline from Christian’s systems and a 718k deal closed!" - Denisse, AE @Paycom
    "I made my entire monthly quota (98.58%) with one deal. So far I’m 100% satisfied with the SaaS Sales Academy program." - Patrick, AE @HubSpot
  • "Christian helped me hit 111% of my ARR quota and 150% of my SQL target in Q3! Working with Christian was the best investment I’ve made in myself, and I wish I had done it sooner. He helped me improve my discovery process and focus on customer pain points, not just pricing. I am now able to apply MEDDPICC, get commitment from buyers and disqualify more." - Nipun, AE@Twilio


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We have helped 69 private coaching clients do exactly that in SaaS Sales Academy. If you are interested




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