SSA#28: Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator Automation

How to get fresh leads on autopilot.

Happy Wednesday to 11,272 SaaS sales professionals!

One of the most time-consuming tasks in prospecting is building lead lists. Today I'm showing you how you can put that task almost completely on autopilot.

Member Spotlight: Matt Fitzsimmons

Congratulations to our SaaS Sales Academy member Matt for winning the FY24 Top SDR Award at Salesforce! Incredible achievement!! 🏆



Targeting Ideal Prospects (ICPs)

If you are prospecting daily remember:

  • 3% of prospects are active buyers
  • 7% of prospects have an intent to change
  • 30% have a need but are not ready to act
  • The remaining 60% are irrelevant.

Your job is to

  • Convert active buyers
  • Challenge those with intent
  • Nurture those who aren’t ready.

 Do not spend time with prospects who are not a good fit.

This is the key rule of efficient prospecting.

But how do we target ICPs with the highest likelihood to convert?


ICP Framework: accounts, leads, triggers


Your ICPs:

  • Are the right accounts: industry, headcount, revenue, growth. Account demographics largely determine solution fit. If you prospect outside of ICP accounts, you'll most likely hear "I'm not interested".
  • aAe the right personas: title, department/function, seniority, tenure. If you target the wrong personas, you'll likely hear "I'm not the right person."
  • Show visible signals (triggers): funding, headcount growth, executive leadership change, new product launch, geographic expansion, M&A, new legislation (list is not exhaustive). When we hunt for triggers we will increase our chances to hit the 3%, 7% and 30% of prospects who are most likely to convert.
Simple in theory. Not so simple in practice.

But there are great ways to implement this framework with Sales Navigator (if you don't have a license, buy it. It's worth it.)


7 Step Sales Navigator Crash Course

The following step-by-step guide will soon launch as a $100 course. You're getting it for free today :-)


Step 1: Upload a CSV file of your territory

Mandatory for every salesperson with a pre-defined book of business.

Please do NOT rely on CRM data to do your account tiering. Use LinkedIn's data, it's the best database in the world.

Once you uploaded your CSV file you also created your 1st account list.


Step 2: Use Account Lists for tiering.

I recommend tiering your accounts based on solution fit and potential. (See my recent article on account tiering).

It's a manual process but it will pay dividends over the course of a fiscal year.


Step 3: Create an Account Search (optional).

If you can add new accounts to your territory it's worth creating an Account Search.

Make sure to save this search. Sales Navigator will send you new ICP accounts in your inbox every week.


Step 4: Create Personas.

*Steps 1-3 cover account demographics. Now we're looking at ICP personas.

LinkedIn released the Persona feature last year, and it's brilliant. Once you have a Persona created you can add it as a search filter with one click. I recommend 3-5 different personas depending on your market segment.


Step 5: Create Automated Lead Search.

Now the magic happens: we're bringing ICP accounts & ICP personas together.

In a lead search, under "current company" you can select any of your pre-built account lists from step 2. You can also filter for any of your Personas created in step 4. Sales Navigator will now search for the right personas in the right accounts - on autopilot!

I recommend setting up one dedicated lead search for each of your personas.


Step 6: Create bucketed Lead Searches by trigger.

The best triggers/signals in Sales Navigator are:

  • Following your company
  • Viewed your profile recently
  • Past colleague
  • Changed jobs
  • Posted on LinkedIn
  • Mentioned in the news
  • Buyer intent (requires CRM integration!)

It's worth setting up a separate search for each of these triggers. That way, you can run separate campaigns with personalised messaging around those signals.


Step 7: Create different Account Lists for funnel stages.

My best tip for last: set up different account lists for

  • Whitespace accounts (cold, untouched)
  • Accounts in sequence (you're prospecting them)
  • Active opportunities (you're in a sales cycle with them)
  • Active customers (you're looking for cross-/upsell opportunities)
  • Dead opportunities (way to revive past opportunities that didn't close)

Once you have these set up you can filter alerts under the Sales Navigator Home tab by Account lists. That way, you can be much more strategic & selective and use each alert to your advantage.


Want to systemize your sales success and smash your 2024 quota?

Book a free Strategy Call with me to see if you're a fit for my private coaching program.



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Christian Krause

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